This year, we hosted our largest and most successful event yet: EVERYONE IS A CREATIVE.
We teamed up with The Assembly to host an art show and panel, featuring 25 emerging female artists (including Jenny Sharaf, Mary Finlayson, Anna Valdez, Edith Young, Alyson Fox, and artists of Creativity Explored). The panel featured four creative industry leaders: Founder Serena & Lily Serena Dugan, Studio Artist Mary Finlayson, Youth Culture Lead at Instagram Shavon Charles, and Creative Director of Brand Voice at Old Navy Jeanine Celeste Pang.
The discussion focused on finding authentic creativity, putting it to use, finding purpose in a career, actionable ways to pursue purpose, overcoming creative blocks, and overcoming career challenges. Questions included: What is the one thing that happened in your career that made it all possible? What mindset do you return to when you feel stuck? How do you find balance between saying yes to jobs because they pay and only saying yes to jobs that feel authentic?
Over 100 people from an incredibly wide range of professional & personal backgrounds showed up — a powerful testament to the fact that there is no formula for employing creativity, and no single job title in which it exists.
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Photography courtesy of Jeremy Portje.